ACM40418 Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing


To register your interest, email us at to receive detailed information


Training at ACAAS provides you with an outstanding practical hands on learning experience.

Training takes place over a two year period. Following the 3 week intensive Introduction Block, students will attend one theory session per week and one practical session for 18 months – enabling them to complete the knowledge component whilst gaining hands on practical experience. The last 6 months of the 2 year period is dedicated to ensuring all knowledge and practical components are completed so as to meet the requirements for the qualification in order for the student to graduate.

Students are supplied with training materials of the highest standard written by our team of veterinarians and critical care nurses. The materials relate to all aspects of the required learning and form a valuable resource to be used in professional situations. Assessments support and enhanced learning are developed to encourage learners to research further into industry related topics.

Unique to ACAAS is our system of mentoring where students receive tailored mentoring (by ACAAS staff) – assisting in real life situations that are part of the daily requirements of a veterinary clinic. This practical training ensures that all students have the highly developed professional skills required by the veterinary industry.

Students are required to complete at least two small animal Veterinary Practical Placements and one placement related to their elective choice (Equine & Wildlife).

We offer students a unique opportunity to visit a pathology facility. Gribbles laboratories are fully equipped with the latest diagnostic equipment and the most advanced technology. The Gribbles lab team consists of exceptional personnel and pathologists who are specialists in their field.

With small class sizes – never more than 15, students enjoy an outstanding learning environment designed to produce practicing veterinary nurses with the knowledge and skills to make a significant contribution to animal health and welfare.

And last but not least our students do not need to be working in the industry to study with us.

Further information on RPL (recognition of prior learning) is available upon request.

  • ACMGAS307 – Identify animal anatomy and physiology for animal care work
  • ACMGAS308 – Communicate effectively with clients and team members
  • ACMVET202 Carry out daily practice routines
  • ACMINF301 Comply with infection control policies & procedures in animal work
  • ACMWHS301 Contribute to workplace health & safety processes
  • ACMVET401 Coordinate veterinary reception duties
  • ACMVET402 Apply imaging routines
  • ACMVET403 Perform clinical pathology procedures
  • ACMVET404 Perform practice office procedures
  • ACMVET405 Coordinate and perform surgical nursing routines
  • ACMVET406 Nurse animals
  • ACMVET407 Carry out medical nursing routines
  • ACMVET408 Provide nutritional advice and support for animals
  • ACMVET409 Provide specific animal care advice
  • ACMVET410 Carry out veterinary dental nursing procedures
  • ACMVET413 Prepare for anaesthesia and monitor animal anaesthesia and analgesia
  • ACMVET416 Assist with the preparation of veterinary drugs and poisons


  • ACMSPE302 – Provide general care of birds
  • ACMSPE303 – Provide general care of common native mammals
  • ACMSPE311 – Provide general care of non-venomous reptiles
  • ACMSPE312 – Provide general care of rodents or rabbits



  • ACMEQU212- Handle horses safely
  • ACMEQU402- Determine nutritional needs in provision of horse health care
  • ACMEQU305- Implement a horse health program
  • ACMEQU405- Maintain and monitor horse health

To meet the pre-requisite requirements of ACM40418 Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing, a prospective student MUST provide evidence that they meet one of the following criteria:

a) hold a Certificate II in Animal Studies
b) hold a relevant Certificate III or higher level qualification in an animal science discipline
c) can demonstrate equivalent skills and knowledge in a relevant animal science discipline to any of the above qualifications.

Prospective students who don’t hold a relevant certificate but have industry experience will be required to complete the Pre-Requisite Assessment process which has been developed for the prospective student to demonstrate the equivalent skills and knowledge relevant for entry into ACM40418 Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing. The cost for this program is $800 and has been designed to save the prospective student from paying $1,500 to $4,000 for one of the allowed certificates.

The prospective student will only be eligible to complete this process if they have can provide evidence of industry experience, e.g.volunteering in the industry, working at cattery, kennels, stables, veterinary clinic etc. The prospective student must provide a resume, job description (if supplied by the organisation) and referee/s from the relevant industry work place so ACAAS staff can check and confirm eligibility to commence the Pre-Requisite assessment process.

If the prospective student cannot either supply the above information required or is not deemed competent during the Pre-requisite Assessment process, they will need to – at a minimum – complete the Certificate II in Animals and may then be taken in to the next available intake for the Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing.

Australian College of Applied Animal Studies can proudly boast that 100% of our graduating students have employment in a Veterinary Hospital at the time of graduating.

The complete cost for the delivery of the course for 2024 intake is: $24,605

(Subject to elective choice and selected options)

Our course is NOT government funded and is classed as Fee for Service which means the student pays for their course in its entirety. ACAAS students are invoiced and pay monthly as part of a 19 months payment plan.

An initial non-refundable payment of $850 to be paid on acceptance into the course. This payment is made up of the enrolment fee of $400 and $450 for materials supplied.

Payment includes:

  • Full tuition as part of a small group in a veterinary hospital (1 theory day per week) – with individual support
  • A supportive mentoring system for the period of your training (practical sessions within the Veterinary Hospital)
  • Regular progression interviews
  • Networking opportunities within the industry
  • Work experience practical placement provided within the Veterinary Nursing Industry
  • Full hands-on experience in a variety of situations with a variety of species including native animals, avian, equine and small
  • Equine nursing elective stream
  • Q-Fever Personal Protective Equipment
  • Nurses Joey pack

For financial assistance click here for Bendigo Bank student loans.